IAC honours pianist Igor Levit with the “Gift of Remembrance”
“I’m not afraid, I’m angry”
After receiving the Statue B in Berlin, the pianist Igor Levit declared: “I’m not afraid, I’m angry” in his speech of thanks. He asked how this country can allow Neo-Nazi pressure to force politicians to resign.
Shortly before this, in his tribute to the pianist, Christoph Heubner, Executive Vice President of the International Auschwitz Committee, spoke of Igor Levit as “a mensch in the truest sense”. He said that, as such, Igor Levit stands up “with courage, creativity and a zest for life against anti-Semitism and right-wing extremist hatred, and defends the values of democracy”.
In the eyes of the survivors, it is to his great credit that he refuses to be intimidated by right-wing and racist threats.
The artist Michèle Déodat, Council Chair of the Evangelical Church in Germany Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, and Vice President of the Bundestag Petra Pau congratulated and thanked him for his commitment.
The statue echoes the letter B in the cynical inscription “ARBEIT MACHT FREI” (work makes you free) above the gate to Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp. The prisoners of Auschwitz, who were ordered by the SS to manufacture the inscription, deliberately and secretly inverted the B. For the prisoners, this act of defiance was a symbol of their human dignity and their resistance in face of the omnipresent murdering, torment and hatred of the SS. The survivors of Auschwitz have been awarding the statue since 2010 in honour and recognition of steadfast opposition to anti-Semitism and right-wing extremist hatred, and for standing up for a tolerant and dignified life together within democracy.
The idea for the Statue B stems from the French artist Michèle Déodat. The statues are manufactured by Volkswagen trainees. Up to now 25 statues have been awarded. Recipients so far include Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal President Steinmeier and Sigmar Gabriel as well as Pope Francis, the British heir to the throne Prince Charles and the Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. And most recently the Mayor of the city of Zwickau, Pia Findeiss.
- from the left: Michèle Déodat, Igor Levit, Christoph Heubner © Boris Buchholz
- Michèle Déodat © Boris Buchholz
- EKD Council Chair Heinrich Bedford-Strohm © Boris Buchholz
- Vice President of the Bundestag Petra Pau © Boris Buchholz
- IAC Executive Vice President Christoph Heubner © Boris Buchholz