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BBC radio broadcast: Prince Charles warned against repeating the European horrors of the past

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Prince Charles has spoken out clearly and with deep personal empathy in a BBC radio broadcast he gave today, warning against repeating the European horrors of the past. He reminded listeners of the persecution and murder of Jewish families in Europe by the National Socialists, and he called on the people in Britain and in Europe to remain open-hearted whilst refusing to be influenced by the aggressiveness of right-wing demagogues against foreigners and refugees.

In response to the sentiments and commitment expressed by Prince Charles, Christoph Heubner, the Executive Vice President of the International Auschwitz Committee, said in Berlin:

"The survivors of Auschwitz in the International Auschwitz Committee are very grateful to Prince Charles for his clear words. His voice is an exceedingly important voice in the British and European fight against hatred and intolerance, and it is a reminder that Europe must stick together for freedom and tolerance, especially in face of fundamentalist violence and challenges."